Rick Crawford In this episode of The Sustainable Angler, I inerview Wil Flack of BelizeFly and we talk about everything from catching the travel bug and how Wil sailed all over the world; environmental threats to our fisheries such as climate change, plastic pollution, and in Belize, gill nets; and also some success stories such…
Category: Fly fishing
Trout Unlimited Releases Climate Change Survey Results
Rick Crawford Trout Unlimited just released their Climate Change Survey and the results are clear. If you are in the fly fishing industry, your customers care about the climate change impact on trout. What’s also clear is that anglers want climate action. Here are the results: “More than 85 percent of TU member respondents think…
Trouble on the Firehole River
Rick Crawford As Benjy and I cracked open a couple of cold beers next to our car in Yellowstone National Park as the sun was about to disappear for the day, we realized just how lucky we were to have made it back to the car at all. It was June 2011 and my fishing…
The Sustainable Angler Podcast: Fly Fishing Climate Alliance
Rick Crawford In this episode of The Sustainable Angler Podcast, I interview Fly Fishing Climate Alliance Members, Corinne & Garrison Doctor from Rep Your Water, Tom Fernandez from Tailwater Lodge, Dave McCoy from Emerald Water Anglers and Kyle Schaefer from Soul Fly Outfitters. In the summer of 2019, I first started pitching the idea of…
The Fly Fishing Climate Alliance & Pledge
Rick Crawford Climate change is undoubtedly the single greatest threat to fisheries on the planet, and as an angler and father, I am deeply concerned about the future of our planet and our fisheries. I believe that by working towards a common goal of achieving carbon neutrality, we can make a significant positive impact towards…
The Sustainable Angler Podcast: Emerald Water Anglers Founder Dave McCoy
Rick Crawford In this episode of The Sustainable Angler Podcast I interview Emerald Water Anglers Founder Dave McCoy and we discuss everything from how Dave founded Emerald Water Anglers; to environmental threats to our fisheries; how sustainable business practices increase customer loyalty; how Emerald Water Anglers is going Carbon Neutral, and to my knowledge, will…