I first learned about The Natural Step (TNS) Framework while in graduate school in 2009, but TNS has been around for over thirty years. I believe the TNS principles and framework are very relevant today, and Emerger Strategies uses them, and its ABCD Process, to guide our clients on their sustainability journey.
The Natural Step
The Natural Step Framework is built on four sustainability principles, which are:
- In a sustainable society, nature is not subject to systematically increasing concentrations of substances from the earth’s crust (such as fossil CO2, heavy metals and minerals)
- In a sustainable society, nature is not subject to systematically increasing concentrations of substances produced by society (such as antibiotics and endocrine disruptors)
- In a sustainable society, nature is not subject to systematically increasing degradation by physical means (such as deforestation and draining of groundwater tables).
- And in that society there are no structural obstacles to people’s health, influence, competence, impartiality and meaning.
So, an example here would be a company that sells fishing gear, and we will call them Acme Fishing Company. We know that in a sustainable society, we can’t continue to burn fossil fuels, which greatly enhances the effects of climate change, so Acme should measure and reduce their carbon footprint. Acme should also ensure that the waste from its operations, products and packaging are recycled, composted, or kept in use via circularity so they are not contributing to the increasing concentrations of substances produced by society. Wherever possible, Acme should use inputs in their operations, products, and packaging that are made recycled materials, or from FSC-Certified forests so that they don’t contribute to the degradation of nature. Finally, Acme should ensure that all of its shareholders basic needs are met, such as its employees, as well as the workers in their supply chain. In short, Acme Fishing Company can become a more sustainable company by better understanding the impact of its business on society and the environment.
ABCD Process

At Emerger Strategies, we also follow the ABCD planning process that was created by The Natural Step, which is as follows:
“Everything starts with awareness. We need to understand how to define sustainability and what it means for individuals, business and other organizations, society, and ultimately the Earth. We use a science-based and ‘whole-systems’ definition as a firm foundation to build a vision of what success looks like in the future.”
Baseline Assessment
“This step uses the four sustainability principles to conduct a sustainability ‘gap analysis’ of the major flows and impacts of the organisation to see how its activities are running counter to sustainability principles. This way we assist organisations to identify critical sustainability issues, their business implications, and strategic opportunities for change.”
Creative Solutions
“Now that we have identified the gap between where we are today (current reality) and where we want to go (vision), we can start to think about innovations and solutions. These will bring us step by step closer to a sustainable product, service or organisation. We are clear on what success looks like, and which process we must set up or change in order to get us there.”
Devise a Plan
“What do we need to do, and when should we do it? What are the first steps and “low hanging fruit” that will bring quicker benefits, and what needs longer term planning? Through a set of prioritization questions we can design a pathway that keeps the goal in mind with maximum flexibility and benefits. We make this plan together so you can get started quickly on your path to a sustainable future.”
We incorporate ABCD planning into our process by educating our clients on sustainability; guiding them through a Sustainability Assessment and creating baselines to measure improvement; incorporating sustainability into company mission and vision, as well as setting SMART goals; and creating a plan to achieve those sustainability goals, and how to help our clients make the business case for sustainability.
Choose Emerger Strategies
We know that environmental threats, such as climate change, habitat degradation, and pollution are harming the planet, as well as people’s ability to meet their own basic needs. That’s why it’s critical that all businesses know and understand the social and environmental impact of their company on society.
Personally, fly fishing taught me that everything in nature is interconnected. Just as a fiddler crab, a tailing redfish, a marsh ecosystem, and the moon phase are connected, so are our businesses and the planet. At Emerger Strategies, we have a vision of businesses and the environment thriving together, and it is my hope that I can help more business leaders make the connection between the environment and their business to protect what we love together. Learn more about our Sustainability Consulting Services.