Rick Crawford In this episode of The Sustainable Angler Podcast, I interview Abaco Lodge and Bair’s Lodge owner and world-renowned angler, Oliver White. We discuss everything from the history of Abaco Lodge to some of the awesome sustainability initiatives at Abaco and Bair’s Lodge, climate change and even “the one” fly Oliver would bring to…
Tag: Emerger Strategies
EVENT: Patagonia’s ARTIFISHAL Film Screening in Charleston, SC
We are stoked to be bringing Patagonia’s ARTIFISHAL to Charleston, SC! Please join Emerger Strategies and Flood Tide Co. on Thursday, June 27, 2019, for an evening of environmental education, drinks and conversation about protecting wild fish. We’ll be screening the new Patagonia film, ARTIFISHAL, which is a film about people, rivers, and the fight…
It’s Now or NeverGlades
[kad_vimeo url=”https://vimeo.com/191958628″ width=1000 height=600 ] We are proud to have signed the Now or Neverglades Declaration with our client, Flood Tide Company because we “support the 200-plus Everglades scientists who believe that increased storage, treatment and conveyance of water south of Lake Okeechobee is essential to stop the damaging discharges to the coastal estuaries; to restore…