Rick Crawford
It’s easy to take our planet for granted as we go on living our busy lives, which is why it’s more important than ever to unplug and spend time in nature to readjust our internal clocks back to its natural rhythm. I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to get back to my natural rhythm of the tides and moon phases by way redfish outings during flood tides and surf sessions. However, in 2019 I also had the opportunity to discover some new rhythms…the rhythms of my daughter teething in the middle of the night, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. In addition to getting back to my natural state and discovering that I actually could still run full throttle on four hours of sleep, 2019 was a wonderful year and I have much to be thankful for.
So, instead of a typical “year in review” I am going to make a list of the places and people I am grateful for from 2019. This list could go on forever, so I will do my best to keep it concise:
- I am grateful for this big beautiful blue planet, and for any and all opportunity to get to see and experience more of it!
- I am grateful to call the Lowcountry and Charleston, SC home with its natural beauty and wonderful fishing and surfing opportunities, it suits my family well and me well.
- I am grateful for my stunning, patient and loving wife.
- I am grateful for a happy, healthy and beautiful baby girl.
- I am grateful for having grown up not knowing what an empty belly felt like, or what it is like to sleep in the cold.
- I am grateful for my nieces and nephew.
- I am grateful for old friends coming to town for a visit.
- I am grateful for new friends made in 2019.
- I am grateful for the democratic process that allowed me to participate in banning single-use plastics in Charleston.
- I am grateful for the annual fishing trip to Everglades National Park that some old friends and I take every year.
- I am grateful for live music and getting the chance to see some of my favorites in 2019, including: Bob Weir, Widespread Panic, Jim James, Jimmy Buffett and the Futurebirds.
- I am grateful to have known the friends I lost this year and will always remember them.
- I am grateful for nonprofits like Lowcountry Land Trust and Charleston Waterkeeper who host clean ups and oyster reef restoration volunteer opportunities weekly.
- I am grateful for having had the opportunity to go back to Jackson Hole this summer and take my daughter on her first fishing trip. She loved it!
- I am grateful for one of the best fishing days of my life with my brother-in-law in North Carolina when we couldn’t keep the speckled trout off our hooks!
- I am grateful for all the fish and waves caught in 2019.
- I am grateful for everyone who took the time to do an interview for The Sustainable Angler Podcast: Riverhorse Nakadate, Peter Vandergrift, Paul Puckett, Marshall Cutchin, Stephen Sautner, Oliver White, Brian Bennett, Ben Bulis, Matt Smythe & Regan Nelson, Steve Hemkens and Lucas Bissett. The Sustainable Angler is available on iTunes, Google Play Music, Soundcloud, Spotify and Stitcher. If you like what you are hearing, please give it a “Follow” or “Like” and please share!
- I am grateful for the opportunity to moderate The Sustainable Business Panel Discussion at IFTD this year and special thanks to the panelists: Dr. Andy Danylchuk, Corinne Doctor, Oliver White and Steve Hemkens.
- I am grateful for the opportunity to fish new water in New York at Tailwater Lodge.
- I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of a climate change film project that brought me to Montana, Idaho and Washington state (and yes, we did fish all three states in the same day! Ha!).
- I am grateful to all of my clients, who without your support, I would not be able to pursue my dream of marrying fly fishing and sustainability, and for that, I am forever grateful. Thank you to new clients Cabretta Capital, Rheos, ZMan, Monic Fly Lines and Turneffe Flats. Special thanks to Flood Tide Co., RepYourWater and Bair’s Lodge for your longtime support. I appreciate your business.
It’s difficult for me to express the gratitude that I have in my heart for all that I have been blessed with, but it’s safe to say that my heart if full of gratitude. If you ask me how I’m doing, you’ll probably hear me respond with, “better than I deserve.”
Cheers to a successful 2020 and thank you to everyone who has made Emerger Strategies possible. I hope you are able to get into your natural rhythm as frequently as possible, and I look forward to helping your business solve the climate crisis by improving the social, environmental and economic bottom lines of your business.
What’s in store for 2020?
Well, Emerger Strategies continues to bring on new clients, so you will be hearing more news about some companies in the fishing and fly fishing industry in 2020. I plan on continuing to launch new The Sustainable Angler podcasts, and in 2020 Emerger Strategies is also offering podcast sponsorship opportunities. The BIG NEWS for 2020 is the launch of the Emerger Strategies Presents: Sustainable Business Workshops at fly lodges around the world. STAY TUNED for more details!