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What’s New with the REI Product Impact Standards (version 3.2) in 2025?

man and woman boat rowing in sea during golden hour

Photo by Sebastian V. on

And How Emerger Strategies Can Help Your Brand Exceed REI’s Sustainability Expectations

If you are one of REI’s suppliers, or if you are a brand that has hopes of one day seeing your product on REI shelves, you should be familiar with REI’s Product Impact Standards. REI updated their standards at the end of 2023 (version 3.1), and has done another update in December of 2024 (version 3.2), as regulations and the field of sustainability continues to rapidly evolve. If you are not familiar REI’s sustainability expectations, we put together a quick overview of REI’s Sustainability Expectations for Brands, which you may find helpful.

Key Updates in the Latest Product Impact Standards (v 3.2):

  1. Chemicals Management (PFAS): In light of new and emerging regulations, REI has retired and removed its PFAS expectations and requests that brands adhere to all applicable regulatory requirements.
  2. Chemicals Management (Flame Retardants): Clarified that the scope of flame retardants (FR) chemicals expectation is limited to camping shelters made of synthetic made of synthetic materials.
  3. Climate Change: REI added The Change Climate Project’s new Climate Label as a preferred attribute and encourages its brand partners to consider this certification, highlighting a shared commitment to investing in climate solutions.
  4. Regenerative Organic Certification: The standards now include Regenerative Organic Certified as a preferred attribute, promoting agricultural practices that enhance soil health, animal welfare, and social fairness.

These updates reflect REI’s dedication to evolving its practices and collaborating with partners to foster a more sustainable and inclusive outdoor community.

How Emerger Strategies Can Support Your Brand

If your brand needs any guidance or support to ensure that you are meeting REI’s sustainability expectations, Emerger Strategies is here to serve you. Our Sustainability Consulting Services that pertain to REI Product Impact Standards, especially related to Climate & Environmental Stewardship are as follows:

Check out our Sustainability Consulting Services and to learn how we have been helping our clients make the business case for sustainability since 2016. But don’t take our word for it, here’s a recent testimonial we received from our client Crazy Creek:

“Emerger Strategies has been an incredible partner for Crazy Creek. They’ve helped us comply with our REI Product Impact Standards and OIA’s Climate Action Corp requirements by measuring GHG emissions, setting science-based targets and creating a Climate Action Plan. This has set us up with a clear path to path to meet both our sustainability goals and GHG reduction targets.” – Karson Bagby, Co-Owner, Crazy Creek

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