Rick Crawford In last week’s Part 2: Plastic-Free Camping in Everglades National…Groceries I provided some tips to eliminate single-use plastics while doing your grocery shopping. This week I am going to focus on how I tried to eliminate single-use plastics from my camping gear.
Tag: Tarpon
Plastic-Free Camping in Everglades National Park: Part 2…Groceries
Rick Crawford As previously mentioned in Plastic-Free Camping in Everglades National Park: Part 1, a few friends I grew up with from Savannah, GA get together for an annual fishing and camping trip to Everglades National Park. It’s a great escape as there is no cell phone service, the landscape is utterly unique and the…
Best Handling Practices for Catch & Release Tarpon
Rick Crawford Like many of you this time of year I get fishing fever. But not just any fever…tarpon fever! My friends and I make our annual pilgrimage to Everglades National Park to attempt to deceive a backcountry tarpon with chicken feathers that result in newfound explosions in the ocean and bays.
Emerger Strategies Partners with Bonefish & Tarpon Trust Through 1% for the Planet
Our purpose is to protect what we love, and our mission is to build purpose-driven brands that solve social and environmental problems. We help our clients increase their growth while minimizing their environmental impact by turning their sustainability achievements into powerful marketing stories. We also want to use our own business to solve environmental problems,…
My Top 4 Favorite Fly Fishing Books
By: Rick Crawford I love a good book, especially one’s that incorporate fly fishing into them, so I decided I would put together a list of top 4 favorite fly fishing books (in no particular order):
It’s Now Or Neverglades, So What Can You Do To Help?
We are very grateful and would like to thank Orvis for the opportunity to support the film “The Balance.” The Everglades are in danger and to learn more please watch this excellent short film on what is happening in Florida and the Everglades: [kad_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SRXhPbgjV0″ ]