For Brands Selling to Walmart, Target, & REI By Emerger Strategies At Emerger Strategies, we work with mostly fishing and outdoor brands who are selling their products at big box retailers, and are being asked to comply report with different sustainability assessments, such as THESIS, CDP, REI Product Impact Standards, and others. Our clients tell…
Tag: REI

5 Ways Emerger Strategies Helps Brands Demonstrate Continuous Sustainability Improvement to Retailers
As more retailers adopt sustainability guidelines, brands are finding it crucial to align their practices with these requirements. Major retailers like Walmart, Target, and REI have established environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria for the products they carry, often making it a prerequisite for continued shelf space. At Emerger Strategies, we specialize in helping brands…

Amazon will ask supply chain to report emissions starting in 2024. Is your business ready?
Over the last few years, retailers like Walmart, Target and REI have begun to require their suppliers to report on their company’s carbon footprint and set science-based targets for emissions reductions, amongst other sustainability/climate-related disclosures. Beginning in 2024, Amazon will do the same. Is your business ready? Here’s a couple of key takeaways: “First, Amazon hopes to use its size and scale…

UPDATE: REI Product Impact Standards Version 3.0
REI updates Product Impact Standards in 3 key areas: fighting climate change, advancing inclusion in the outdoors, and managing chemicals Increasingly, our clients are being asked by retailers to submit sustainability-related data, especially regarding climate-related disclosures. Wal-Mart, Target, Walgreen’s and even outdoor retailer, REI are all asking for brands to disclose product impact information on…