Emerger Strategies: Sustainability Consulting

SB Socio-Cultural Trends Research™ 2023 Pulse Highlights – Consumer Sustainability Segments and Gen Z

Photo by Oziel Gómez on Pexels.com

Sustainable Brands just released the SB Socio-Cultural Trends Research and finds that younger consumers are increasingly demanding brands and products that are socially and environmentally responsible, which isn’t news around here, but it this research help support what my clients are also seeing: employees want to work for companies that align with their values, and consumers want to support brands that align with their values. Here are some of the finding I find interesting:

They also want to know what companies are doing, with 86% saying that it’s important for companies to share their sustainability efforts with consumers – more than any other generational group.”

The (triple) bottom line is that your customers care about how your company treats its employees, community, suppliers, and they also care deeply about the environmental impact of your company, and therefore their own purchases. If your company is not measuring and improving its sustainability performance, and not talking about what you are doing in relation to more sustainable operations, products, and packaging in a transparent and credible way, then you are losing market share every single day.

If your company needs help measuring and improving its sustainability performance in a credible way, or if you are a business located in Charleston, I am hosting the Emerger Strategies Sustainability Boot Camp every Friday in September, so please email rcrawford@emergerstrategies.com to schedule a call, or learn more about the Boot Camp!

Sustainability Boot Camp
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