The Fly Fishing Climate Alliance, whose members have committed to going carbon neutral by 2030, have announced their first annual Carbon Neutral award winners to members who have achieved carbon neutrality. Carbon neutrality “means annual zero net anthropogenic (human caused or influenced) CO2 emissions by a certain date. By definition, carbon neutrality means every ton of anthropogenic CO2 emitted is compensated with an equivalent amount of CO2 removed (e.g., via carbon sequestration) …” as defined by the World Resources Institute. Climate change is one of the greatest threats to fish and fisheries on the planet, and according to the Intergovernmental Panel in Climate Change (IPCC), worldwide global emissions will need to be cut at least 49% below 2017 levels by 2030 and carbon neutral by 2050 in order to avoid the catastrophic effects of climate change. That’s why the FFCA Carbon Neutral award winners deserve recognition for their efforts to solve the climate crisis.
The pathway to carbon neutrality includes:
- Calculating carbon footprint: Scope 1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions such as heating, Scope 2 GHG emissions from purchased electricity, and Scope 3 GHG emissions from manufacturing, inbound shipments, employee commuting, business travel, waste generated in operations and shipments to customers.
- Executing strategies to reduce carbon footprints, such as energy efficiency, renewable energy and supply chain engagement.
- Purchasing credible carbon offsets for the remaining balance to achieve carbon neutrality.
FFCA members cannot achieve carbon neutrality without measuring their Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions because what gets measured, gets managed and the main goal of the Fly Fishing Climate Alliance is to REDUCE its members carbon footprint. Below is an illustration showing of Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions:

There are three 2020 Carbon Neutral award categories including: Carbon Neutral Guide, Shop & Brand of the Year. These FFCA members have demonstrated their leadership by taking responsibility for their carbon footprint and achieving carbon neutrality. Here are the 2020 Fly Fishing Climate Alliance Carbon Neutral Award Winners:
- FFCA Carbon Neutral Guide of the Year: Kyle Schaefer from Soul Fly Outfitters
- FFCA Carbon Neutral Shop of the Year: Emerald Water Anglers
- FFCA Carbon Neutral Brand of the Year: Rep Your Water
Soul Fly Outfitters is the world’s first carbon neutral guide, and upon hearing the news, Kyle Schaefer had this to say, “I appreciate this honor and deeply hope that the work being done by the Fly Fishing Climate Alliance inspires more action from our community of brands, shops, guides and individuals to address our collective role in climate change.” In addition to being an FFCA member, Kyle is also an American Saltwater Guides Association board member and is exploring ways to conserve our natural resources and reduce his company’s carbon footprint.
Seattle-based fly shop and guide service, Emerald Water Anglers, is the world’s first carbon neutral fly shop and owner Dave McCoy said this about winning the Carbon Neutral Shop of the Year, “Congratulations to everyone who has taken steps with their respective businesses to be conscious of the environment we so vitally depend on. We are proud of this award and with it our hope is to inspire others to join by demonstrating the ease of and importance in doing so at business and personal levels.” Emerald Water Anglers is also a proud 1% for the Planet member, works actively to reduce waste in its operations and recycles fly lines and waders, amongst many other sustainability initiatives.
RepYourWater is an apparel brand dedicated to providing uniquely designed, top quality gear for anglers and hunters while increasing support of local conservation and inspiring exploration. Corinne and Garrison Doctor, co-owners of the world’s first carbon neutral fly fishing brand Rep Your Water stated, “We are so grateful to be part of the first generation of Fly Fishing Climate Alliance members to go carbon neutral. While it is a lot of work to calculate and will continue to be work to decrease our emissions, we are pleased to be forging the path along with Kyle and Emerald Water Anglers to help inspire even more folks to take the next step!” Rep Your Water also donates 3% of all sales to a number of conservation partners, is Zero Waste in its operations and Corinne and Garrison both are active volunteers for Trout Unlimited and Corinne currently serves on the board of the American Fly Fishing Trade Association.
Fly Fishing Climate Alliance Founder, Rick Crawford, had this to say about this year’s award winners: “All of the Carbon Neutral Award winners deserve a ton of credit for taking the initiative to calculate their carbon footprint and achieve carbon neutrality. As an angler and father who is deeply concerned about the future of our fisheries and planet, I sincerely appreciate their efforts. Soul Fly Outfitters, Emerald Water Anglers and Rep Your Water are demonstrating what climate leadership looks like and I couldn’t be prouder of them. Who knows, maybe fly fishing can save the world?”
Stay tuned as more Fly Fishing Climate Alliance are actively working to reduce their carbon footprints and striving to achieve carbon neutrality.
The Fly Fishing Climate Alliance, now made up of 45+ fly fishing guides, shops, lodges, brands and nonprofits, are committed to going carbon neutral by 2030 to save the planet, the fish and our businesses. If you would like to learn more, please visit:, or if your business would like to join the Fly Fishing Climate Alliance, please email