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Consumers Want To Hear More From Companies About Sustainability, Study Finds

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Photo by Kathryn Archibald on

Among U.S. consumers, 69% agree businesses should communicate more about sustainability and social impact, according to new research from TriplePundit. That includes 75% of Gen Z and 74% of millennials who want to hear more.

Consumers support companies that align with their values, and according to a new study, they want companies to talk more about sustainability, but companies are reluctant for fear of greenwashing. Nevertheless, consumers want companies to talk more about their social and environmental impact. It’s pretty simple, people want to work for companies that align with their values, and they also want to support companies align with their values because everyone wants fresh air, clean water, healthy food, and a high quality of life without having to worry about whether or not the products we buy are a major contributor to climate change, or there are PFAS in our drinking water, or cancer causing chemicals on our food. You can read the full article here, but here are some of the key findings:

Quiet companies leave public perception up to chance

68% of consumers agree with the statement: “Companies that actively communicate their sustainability efforts have a more positive impact on the environment and society, compared to those that do not.” Only 10 percent disagreed.

40% of consumers assume quiet companies are either “not doing anything” to reduce their environmental impact or “need more substantial environmental initiatives.”

Talking about failure is good, not bad

“We posed a scenario to consumers: “A company launched a program aimed at reducing its social and/or environmental impact, but it wasn’t effective. The company scrapped the program, and leadership decided to talk about the failure and what they learned with their customers and other stakeholders.”

44% of respondents “said they’d think better of the company “because they were transparent.””

19% wouldn’t feel strongly either way, saying: “Not everything is going to work, and that’s not a big deal to me.”

14% would think less of the company because it hit a bump and chose to talk about it. 

How to engage consumers

“Along with insight into public preferences, the 2024 Consumer Insights & Sustainability Benchmark includes best practices for reaching and connecting with consumers based on what they told us they’d like to see. That includes how to combine data with storytelling to drive consumer trust, where to reach different audiences with sustainability messaging, and how to position corporate sustainability efforts through a solutions lens.” Check out the full report for recommendations. 

Emerger Strategies: Sustainability Consulting & Solutions

At Emerger Strategies, we take our clients through a Basic Sustainability Assessment Tool to gain a better understanding of where your company stands, and how you are contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We then collect baseline data, develop a Strategic Sustainability Plan, and deliver an Annual Sustainability Report. Along the way, we guide our clients on how to effectively communicate their sustainability efforts through storytelling and how they are part of the solution, all of which leads to increased customer loyalty. Need proof? Check out our Case Study with RepYourWater.

If your company needs help measuring and improving its sustainability performance, then check out our Sustainability Consulting Services, and if your company is looking for sustainable solutions, such as sustainable packaging, or finding the right suppliers, we can assist you.

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