LONDON (June 24, 2024) – Today Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) and the IFRS Foundation announced that they have signed a memorandum of understanding to guide future work and collaboration between GHG Protocol and the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). The framework for measuring greenhouse gas emissions developed by GHG Protocol has become embedded in capital markets infrastructure through…
Tag: Sustainability

1.5°C still the goal: businesses disclosing climate transition plans jumps nearly 50%
CDP released data today that demonstrates that companies around the world are increasingly disclosing climate transition plans, and the reason is simple, in my opinion: the effects of climate change are real, happening now, and businesses who are not managing climate risk as it relates to their business operations and supply chain are irresponsible at…

American Sportfishing Association Launches Sustainability Toolkit Prepared by Emerger Strategies
I am thrilled to see that the American Sportfishing Association take a leadership position by helping its members improve the sustainability performance of of its members’ operations, products and packaging, and I am proud that Emerger Strategies has played a part in moving the fishing industry forward by preparing the ASA Sustainability Toolkit. After working…

New Study Finds that Companies who Lead with Climate Action are Rewarded by the Market
Is your company taking climate action? If not, you are making a mistake. A new study mentioned in a recent Anthropocene Magazine article shows that “companies that take concrete steps to respond to climate risk are rewarded by the market; those that don’t are punished.” However, this new study confirms what the GHG Protocol identified…

Anglers Launch New Campaign to Demand Action as Climate Change Threatens Recreational Fishing
A new report written for anglers by anglers serves as a call-to-arms to galvanize the angling community to demand action as climate change disrupts fishing experiences coast to coast WASHINGTON – Today, the American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA) released a report written for anglers, by anglers, to kick off a nationwide campaign to inspire…

What is The Natural Step Framework?
I first learned about The Natural Step (TNS) Framework while in graduate school in 2009, but TNS has been around for over thirty years. I believe the TNS principles and framework are very relevant today, and Emerger Strategies uses them, and its ABCD Process, to guide our clients on their sustainability journey. The Natural Step…