In late February 2016 a friend of mine, Brent Watts, and I headed to Everglades National Park to fish and camp for a few days in hopes of finding some early season tarpon. It was our first time in the Park and we really didn’t know what to expect. Having only seen pictures and some…
Tag: Fly fishing

Conservation vs. Sustainability and Why It Doesn’t Matter
Angling Trade originally published our article, ‘Conservation vs. Sustainability and Why It Doesn’t Matter’ in their November e-Newsletter, and can be found on their site by clicking HERE. I’ve known many different companies with diverse worldviews, especially when it comes to talking about conservation vs. sustainability. Similarly, we tend to vote for candidates that represent a worldview…
It’s Now or NeverGlades
[kad_vimeo url=”″ width=1000 height=600 ] We are proud to have signed the Now or Neverglades Declaration with our client, Flood Tide Company because we “support the 200-plus Everglades scientists who believe that increased storage, treatment and conveyance of water south of Lake Okeechobee is essential to stop the damaging discharges to the coastal estuaries; to restore…

Buffett, Bonefish and Boat Drinks!
My wife and I headed down to Exumas, Bahamas in January of 2016 for a little rest and relaxation, which was also a wonderful time to escape the cold in Charleston, SC for a few days. We stayed at Staniel Cay Yacht Club and couldn’t have picked a better place to spend a few days relaxing…

Emerger Strategies: Why are We in Business?
After doing some research on the fly-fishing industry I observed a trend that many of the more well-known brands donate money and time to conservation groups, but aren’t necessarily doing anything to alter their own behavior to minimize risks associated with climate change and population increase. How could an industry that is so dependent on a…