In this video, we show you 8 steps you can take to demonstrably reduce your company’s Scope 1 & 2 greenhouse gas emissions. Scope 1 GHG emissions are direct emissions such as burning natural gas for heat, or fuel for any company owned or controlled vehicles. Scope 2 GHG emissions are indirect emissions such as…
Category: Sustainable Business

What are Scope 1, 2 and 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions?
Hey! We have just uploaded a brand spanking new video our the Emerger Strategies YouTube Channel answering a question we get asked a ton: What are Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG Emissions? You can watch the video below, and if you like what you’re seeing, we would greatly appreciate it if you could give…

Bajío Sunglasses Partners with Cool Effect for Trash to Treasure Campaign
Leaders in Performance Fishing Eyewear Adopt New Strategy to Maintain Carbon-Neutral Status New Smyrna Beach, FL (September 21, 2022) – Bajío, maker of blue-light filtering, sustainably-made, performance sunglasses built to save the world’s saltwater flats and estuaries, is proud to announce a new partner in its sustainability journey: Cool Effect. This globally recognized non-profit platform…

AFFTA Bringing Industry Summit to Charleston on October 16-19, 2022!
From AFFTA: Here at AFFTA, we’re looking towards the future of the trade-show industry and working diligently to provide our members with top-of-the-line networking opportunities, ongoing conservation efforts in their area, and continued support from our sponsors. As we look forward to our Industry Summit in Charleston, SC from October 16-19, be sure to go…

In the News: Emerger Strategies Named one of South Carolina’s Most Innovative Sustainability Companies
We are honored to be named one of the “12 Most Innovative South Carolina Based Sustainability Companies & Startups” by Futurology. You can read the complete article here.

Subscribe to our NEW YouTube Channel!
Hey! Thought we’d share that Emerger Strategies officially has a YouTube Channel! We will be posting posting videos with intent to educate people about sustainability on The Sustainable Business Show with Rick Crawford, as well as information on Our Sustainability Services and more! If you believe in our mission and want to help us continue…